Hi ,
I'm Jeni Maxwell . Owner of Australian Plunge Pools.
I decided to start a blog because there is so much more information we have to share than our website and socials posts allow.
We have been in the business of Pool Manufacturing for over 7 years now and while we operate as a supplier to the industry we have also gained a wealth of knowledge in all areas of Pool care, Product comparisons, Hydraulic Design, Pool compliance and certification and a general knowledge which comes from years of inquiries.
I would like to share this info in the hope that as a consumer you are more informed and confident in your purchase. If you have a question then please email us and we will post here or direct you to suitable sites or individuals.
Subjects to follow...
Pool equipment - Sanitation, Filtration and Heating
Covers and Blankets
Landscape Architects , Designers and Contractors
Pool and plants
Water Balance and regular pool maintenance
Council Approvals
Lighting and Water Features
Water Saving
Spa's , Pools and Plunge Pools
Pool Shows, Garden Displays and Events
Spotlight on Landscape Designers and Architectural Projects